Introduction of Modern Slavery
Modern slavery is a severe crime that strips individuals of their autonomy and dignity for another’s benefit. Unfortunately, millions globally remain trapped in various forms of exploitation, including in developed areas. All organizations potentially face risks of involvement through their own activities or supply chain.
At BodyBuildingReviews, we have a strict policy against human trafficking and are fully dedicated to mitigating such risks within our operations and suppliers. Considerable efforts have been made to modern slavery as outlined in our policy statement. It details our process to identify all potential areas of concern related to our business and enforce procedures to prevent trafficking during the 2023 financial year.
Our Business and Supply Chains
BodyBuildingReviews values trust and integrity in all relationships with our providers. The supplier selection process involves diligence on the supplier’s reputation, legal compliance, and health/safety/environmental standards through referrals.
We have received no notices of claims involving human trafficking or modern slavery against any suppliers. However, if such a situation were to occur, we would promptly remove the involved supplier and notify the proper authorities.
Risk Assessment
In the past year, we conducted a risk evaluation of our supply chain that accounted for:
- Country-level risk profiles according to the Global Slavery Index.
- Services provided by each supplier.
- Presence of vulnerable demographic sections.
- A media review and input from labor/human rights groups.
Policies for Prevention Modern Slavery
BodyBuildingReviews upholds the following policies for detecting and avoiding modern slavery and human trafficking within our own operations:
- Whistleblower Policy – We encourage all employees, customers and suppliers to report any suspicions of slavery or human trafficking without fear of retaliation. An anonymous helpline is available.
- Code of Conduct – Our code guides employees to make ethical decisions by defining expected actions and behavior as brand representatives. We pursue high standards of conduct and ethics in international operations and supply chain management.
- Sourcing Standards – We have updated our sourcing agreements and terms to directly address slavery and human trafficking.
Supplier Due Diligence
Body Building Reviews conducts due diligence on both new and existing suppliers as part of our regular processes. This includes:
- Assessing risks associated with certain services.
- Auditing suppliers’ facilities, health/safety protocols, labor relations, and employment contracts.
- Requiring remediation of inadequate employment practices.
- Taking action against suppliers that do not align with our standards and expectations.
We require all suppliers to validate that:
- They prohibit all forms of forced, compulsory or slave labor.
- Work is voluntary and employees can freely terminate employment.
- Each employee receives a contract outlining a reasonable notice period for ending work.
- No deposits or portions of wages are withheld.
- Workers retain control of their own documents and immigration paperwork.
Awareness About Modern Slavery
Body Building Reviews has raised awareness of modern slavery throughout our operations. Posters on the topic appear across all facilities. We also sent an email to staff exclusively about modern slavery, covering:
- Our stance against modern slavery.
- Common indicators of potential slavery or trafficking situations.
- The process for reporting any suspicions of modern slavery.
Beyond raising awareness, Body Building Reviews has introduced a new online training course for all staff and supplier contacts. The course addresses:
- Different forms of modern slavery where people are exploited.
- The scale of the issue and risks to our company.
- Identifying signs of slavery or trafficking like unusually low prices.
- Reporting procedures for suspected cases.
- Supplier protocols for escalating potential issues internally.
- External support for slavery victims.
- Guidance and terms provided to suppliers on policies.
- Actions if suppliers do not apply anti-slavery controls.
- An affirmation from staff to follow our anti-slavery policy.
Measuring our Performance
Body Building Reviews has put in place key performance metrics and controls to address modern slavery and human trafficking within our company and supply chain. Some of these are:
- Completion rate for mandatory staff training.
- Suppliers submitting the ethics questionnaire.
- Matching awareness/training programs among suppliers.
- Reports from employees on ethical issues.
- Findings of our cross-functional Human Rights committee on addressing modern slavery and human trafficking.