California Privacy Notice

Consumers in California have the following rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA):

  • The right to demand information on the types of personal data (as that term is defined in the CCPA) that we gather, use, disclose, and sell.
  • The right to ask us to delete any personal data we may have about you.
  • The right to ask for a copy of the particular personal data that we keep on file about you.
  • The freedom from discrimination if you exercise any of your California privacy rights, including the right to refuse the sale of your personal information.

At this time, Body Building Reviews does not sell client information. You may, however, opt out of the selling of your personal information in accordance with the new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further details, including details about the categories of personal information we gather and the categories or sub-groups of third parties with whom we disclose, may sell, or share, personal information.

How to Get in Touch

You can get in touch with us whenever you have questions or issues about our policies or procedures.

Please make sure to indicate “California privacy rights request” in the subject line of your email if your question or concern relates to Californian privacy rights.

Please put “GDPR privacy rights request” in the subject line if your question or expression of concern relates to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as it is implemented in the European Economic Area.


In the European Economic Area (EEA), where you are:

1. The person in charge of your personal data

You can get in touch with our GDPR representative immediately using the “contact us” form that is prominently displayed on our website.

2. The Lawfulness of the Use of Personal Data

Only when we are legally permitted to do so—which may include:

  • complying with local laws and obligations;
  • upholding the terms of our agreement with users and carrying out any requests made prior to that agreement;
  • defending our legitimate interests or the interests of our partners and third-party affiliates—do we process your personal information.
  • Situations where the user has expressly consented.

We process, transfer, and manage personal data for the following reasons:

  • To deliver products and services requested by users
  • To handle requests, respond to inquiries and criticisms, and provide all other forms of top-notch customer service.
  • To direct you to sections or features of the site that we believe may be of interest to you or to offer you products and services tailored to your interests.
  • To let users know about and encourage their participation in initiatives, unique promotions, interactive occasions, deals, and competitions.
  • To run our business, evaluate it, and make improvements to it (which may involve creating new software and features, enhancing user interface, assessing the success of marketing initiatives, and executing communications).
  • To collect and analyze information about how patrons use our websites (this information may include market research, trends, financial analysis, and anonymized user data).
  • To target our advertising based on user interests and their behavior on our site and other third-party services and websites.
  • To offer our partners and other service providers the tools they need to perform specific activities on our behalf.
  • To inform visitors about site modifications that might have an impact on them.

Legal Justification for Data Processing:

The processing of data is required in order to deliver our services to the user and to carry out transactions in accordance with the relevant contract between our users and us.

Additionally, data processing is required for us to respond to inquiries and comments, offer complete customer service, and carry out requests or orders in accordance with the agreement we have with the user.

We reserve the right to send our users electronic marketing communications in response to requests for such materials. It is in our legitimate commercial interest to advertise our services and goods through additional channels and to direct users to other resources.

Fair, reasonable, and temperate marketing techniques that will never be discriminatory or negatively impact the user in any way.

If you have consented to receive these communications, we may occasionally send you emails and other digital communications. If you have agreed to receive these communications, it is in both our and your interests to contact you further about your involvement in particular events, programs, or other interactive engagements. When delivering these communications, we will adhere to fair, impartial, and temperate methods, and they will never be harmful or prejudiced in any manner to the user.

It is in our legitimate interest to handle specific categories of personal data in order to deliver the services our users have requested and to run our business. We will uphold fair, impartial, and temperate data processing and the processing will never be harmful or adversely affect the user.

Based on your preferences and how you use our sites, we may send you specific communications if you have subscribed to them.

We must use your personal information for this purpose in order to carry out our obligations under any applicable contract established between the user and us. These data might also be used by outside service providers who work on our behalf to perform duties and complete tasks. We shall uphold the fair, impartial, and moderate use of this data, and its use will never be harmful or adversely affect the user.

Processing of personal data is required for us to fulfill our obligations and offer the user the services specified in any applicable contracts between us and said, users.

In order to maintain the public interest, we process data in compliance with governmental regulations and legal requirements.

  • if we are asked to process or transfer data to government agencies or law enforcement authorities in order to comply with legal statutes
  • if we believe it is necessary to process or share data to protect against physical harm or financial loss, or to cooperate with authorities in a criminal investigation involving illegal activity.
  • if we sell a portion of our business or the entirety of it, such as in a liquidation. In such a case, we shall obligingly tell users of such transfer in a timely manner via email correspondence or by clearly posting relevant information on our websites. We will also provide them with information about their alternatives and the change of ownership.
  • to be in compliance with federal statutes, to cooperate with law enforcement inquiries, and to uphold our own company policies;
  • to safeguard the user and their data against fraudulent activities, theft, and criminal activities; and • to identify such threats so that they may be neutralized in future site updates.

3. Transfers Overseas

Some of your data will be processed in or transferred to locations outside the European Economic Area during its processing (EEA). Due to the fact that certain of our third-party service providers have operations outside of the EEU, those locations may be where your data is processed. Processing or transferring to or from the United States could be a part of some of these. We will take every measure to secure your data if processing or transferring it outside the EEU’s borders (to countries that the European Commission has identified as having less stringent data protection laws) becomes required. If at all any data is to be shared with any individual or governmental body, we always take utmost precaution to safeguard all our client’s data in all the said areas

4. Personal data storage

When you visit our website and use our services, we only save the pertinent data that is required to give you a quality user experience and the services you choose for as long as necessary. In some circumstances, we may keep your data on file for a longer period of time. These circumstances include abiding by applicable laws, resolving disagreements that might develop with any third parties, and in other cases, assisting us in running our business. We always respect your right to privacy, and if necessary, we’ll ask you to verify your identity and let us know whether we have any collected personal data in our hands or are using it. Visit our site, we keep pertinent information about you. . These instances include complying with applicable laws, resolving disputes with third parties, and other instances to assist us in conducting business. We respect your autonomy over your personal information in all circumstances, and if requested, we will ask you to confirm your identity and whether we have or are processing any collected personal information.

5. Subject Access Rights to Data

You are entitled to the following:

  • The right to request information about the processing of your personal data and to confirm whether such data is being processed.
  • The freedom to update inaccurate information or change your personal information as it relates to our business at any time. The right to request information about how your personal data is processed and to confirm whether we are processing it; The right to request that we remove any personal data you have shared with us and to stop employing it in ways that are not permitted by law
  • The freedom to stop using any services or granting any permissions at any time with respect to how our business is run.
  • The option to formally lodge a complaint with local authorities in your area if you believe your data has been misused or that you have witnessed misconduct.
  • The right to receive and review any of your personal data that we have collected and have it sent to you in a commonly used, machine-readable format, as well as the right to transmit this data to other parties on your own initiative or to have us transmit it on your behalf to certain parties in certain technically feasible situations.
  • The right to object to the use and processing of your data.

Please contact us using the information listed in the “How to Contact Us” section of these conditions if you wish to exercise any of the rights listed above. Do keep in mind that we also do have a right to refuse requests that are against the provisions of the law and violate the aforementioned data subject rights.