Editorial Process

We recognize the fact that your health and wellness are important and the choices you make concerning them should be self-reliant. Words will not be enough to assure you that all the information we provide you with is relevant and accurate. Transparency is our core value and we are glad to share with you who creates our content and how we generate it.

Our Principles

We are keen to follow a set of doctrines, that aid in the creation of content, which is of good quality to our users.

The following are our guiding principles:

  • We prioritize our readers – We are committed to what we do because it is our mission to ensure our content users know what factors are influencing their lifestyle and health. We generate our content based on up-to-date science, technology, and research to allow you to live and enjoy your best life.
  • Trustworthiness – We base all our articles and content on research from dependable sources. Since we want our users to be fully informed, we do not allow any theory-based information in our articles.
  • Inclusiveness – We are aware that all our readers have varied values and experiences, and we keep that in mind before we publish any content. All our content is created to be suitable for persons of all ages, nationalities, sexes, gender identities, socioeconomic statuses, and family structures.

Our Ethics

We do not intend that our content should be used in place of medical care, treatment, or advice.

The publishing of all our content is for purposes of information only.

Health On the Net (HON) has certified us and we do adhere to their Code of Conduct all the time. Our content has been put together in a manner conforming with the Society for Professional Journalists’ foundations of ethical journalism: acting independently, being fair and accurate, being transparent and accountable, and minimizing harm.

We endorse the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) disclosure guidelines where applicable.

Check out the following for more information:

Our Guiding principles

Our editorial team controls all the content on our websites. We use the most recent research we find available to report on certain topics because most of our content is constantly evolving. Our articles include mentions that are reviewed by our peers. The reference links are available at bottom of our content pages. We ensure we use the most recent research studies on all our subject matters.

We prefer to base our reports on research done on humans instead of animal testing, where possible. There are some instances where there are no available human trials, so research may not be available. If we find that the animal trials are of high quality and relevant, then we use them and ensure you know of them. While we include animal research, we ensure it is only in places where it can better your understanding of the topic.

Although we prefer that our reports are based on scientifically proven treatments and methods, we sometimes base them on experimental treatments only if they are significant and may help readers in understanding the topic. We always include disclaimers if our research is based on unproven methods to ensure the reader is aware of the safety concerns.

We are always careful when reporting on matters of health or subjects that may potentially cause harm to the consumer’s health.

Our authors are keen to disclose when the content is from scientifically proven research or proven studies and when it is from an expert opinion and they ensure the content is balanced throughout the article.

[Body Building Reviews] authors are not biased and are not beholden when they use content from external sources (blogs, videos, company sites, etc.) despite the fact that they may know the sources. All cited sources on our sites are made in accordance with the FTC guidelines.

We promise matching content and accurate content, and article information. This holds true even if you find our content via direct search results, social media posts, blogs, or any others form.

You may find relevant links with regard to your area of interest in our articles. You may also find links to other sites that are mentioned in our content or links that could better your understanding of the given subject. We carefully select these sources based on accuracy, official authority, and credibility, and usually, health agencies and US governmental, accredited medical organizations, and physicians’ journals.

We categorize the links that are made for commercial purposes on our website (the full data of how we create our product recommendations is shown below). The included links in our articles may never lead the user to dishonest websites, websites that trade in illegal drugs, or sites that recruit people for clinical research and tests.

Our Quality Standards

Most of our professional staff members do pass through the content before we publish them. We analyze the drafts of the articles to ascertain that they are accurate, helpful, responsible, and relevant and that they adhere to our editorial principles and philosophy.

Once an article has gone through the editorial process and our rigorous review, then it may be published on our website. We subject any other media posted on our website to a similar quality control procedure.

Additionally, note that independent editors do review our articles. Our editors give the go-ahead over the articles and they are devoted to ensuring the user experience is top-notch at all times.

Board-certified physicians make up Bodybuilding Reviews Review Board. When declarations are made with respect to treatment, side effects, research, and any subject concerning the well-being and health of the user, the said board verifies the said statements and makes the necessary disclaimers.

Our team of editors does a routine evaluation of the content published on the website with the intention of highlighting the as outdated or if they need an update so that we may act upon the changes needed such as data advance and research. We re-evaluate our content regularly to ensure they:

A) Are based on recent research and reflect the professional medical community’s consensus

B) Are current based on the official agency and US guidelines

C) Include up-to-date statistical figures

D) Deal with upcoming questions from consumers that were once irrelevant

In case there is a need for change, the content must be edited and goes through a similar editorial review process by the Medical Review Board before publication.

When such changes are made to our content, we clearly mark the changes and date them at the top of the page. We sometimes request the assistance of professional freelancers who know our standards of quality and editorial process to help with the content update process.

To ensure that the whole website is in line with our quality standards and our vision, the team of editors consults other [Body Building Reviews] departments.

We involve the following staff members in ensuring the website has quality content:

  • Photo Editors and illustrators – Who work to ensure our readers get the required information and ensure all subject matter is well connected. (Our Medical Review Board and the team of editors create and approve all new illustrations).
  • Data science team – the team ensures that our content remains relevant with respect to your needs by continually polishing search trends.
  • Quality control team – includes designers, engineers, and product managers whose work is to ensure every user gets a quality experience regardless of the device they are using. They are also responsible for developing fresh and valuable features for our website and ensuring they adhere to our Privacy Policy.

To avoid any conflict of interest that may arise from how our content is engineered, we do not allow our authors to work for or with our marketing department. We have a strict policy in place that covers conflict of interest and mandate that all the people who work for [Body Building Reviews] ensure they do not disclose any part of the policy.

Our Writers

The writers of our team are carefully chosen experts in different fields. They include health and wellness professionals, licensed physicians, nutritionists, and many more. We are honored to have a team of esteemed experts and skilled specialists in their fields who have track records showing their work in helping individuals lead healthier lives.

There is a link at the top of each of our article’s pages that leads to the bios of our different authors that lists their education, professional experiences, accomplishments in their fields, and their professional and personal social media accounts. This is a way of giving you an idea about the author you are getting information from.

Our writers are well selected based on their understanding and skill in their different fields and additionally, their capability to deliver technical information and ideas clearly and communicate in a helpful and effective way.

It is mandatory for all our writers to maintain our stern editorial guidelines and mission statement.

Sponsored Content

We evidently label sponsored content whenever it is used on our site. The sponsored content also undergoes the process of editorial review to make sure it is in agreement with our quality standards and regulations.


We cover maintenance and operational costs with the aid of advertising. There is however a strict demarcation between advertising content and content generation on our end, without excluding advert choices. Our Advertising Policy has a comprehensive explanation of how we separate sponsored and advertising content on our website along with a depiction of the guidelines we have used to select adverts.

To ensure that our users have high-quality experiences, we display our adverts in a manner not intrusive or disruptive to their reading process. We achieve this by checking the layout of a page and deciding the number of adverts to display.

Product Recommendations

Product recommendations are aimed at making more simple the selection process more as there are heaps of product varieties online, and it can be overwhelming to search through them. It, therefore, saves you energy, time, and money.

To aid you in figuring out which products are best for you, our editors and writers carry out relentless online and offline research on thousands of products and find those that will be fully beneficial to your health and well-being. If users purchase products using any of our links to the products and we review the products, we are given an affiliate commission.

Our writers have no information about our affiliate terms and partnerships so as to ensure there are no biased reviews. This also makes sure that they solely pick the best products purely based on quality, value, and merit. Additionally, we purchase products and do not accept free samples offered to us so we give our readers insightful and honest reviews.

The root of all our recommendations is the value of the products. Writers who have experience with the products give these recommendations and they take into consideration aspects like value (the worth of a product likened to its price) and high-end quality (products that might be expensive but give numerous benefits in single or multiple ways). The obtainability of each reviewed product is checked by our team of editors to ensure you do not read information about a product you cannot purchase on our website. We also highlight the significance of writing about companies that are reputable and responsible.

A suggestions list is posted and regularly re-evaluated at different intervals on our website, so as to ensure all recommendations are still consistent with our standards for quality and our mission.

If you have any comments, questions, thoughts, or your own suggestions and recommendations, we encourage you to touch base with us as we appreciate your feedback.

Read more about our products selection process

Medical Disclaimer

The content on our website is curated, written, and reviewed by experts, specialists, and skilled writers who write facts and research-based content. We generate our articles from the best journalists, writers, and researchers around the world.

Every article we post on our website is backed by scientific research and reviewed by our editorial team to ensure there is no misleading content. All our articles are only for informational and educational purposes, we do not offer any medical advice.

We do strongly advise that you do not use our content in place of treatment, diagnosis, or medical advice. Kindly consult your healthcare professional if you believe you are sick. We are not responsible for what happens to you if you use the information provided here to substitute treatment or medical advice.