DMoose Boxing and MMA

Explore the world of Dmoose Boxing and MMA – Your ultimate destination for top-notch training equipment, expert advice, and everything you need to dominate the ring and the cage. Step up your game with Dmoose today!

What Is Boxing and MMA?

If boxing and MMA is your domain, explore the superior DMoose line of durable, high quality boxing gloves, punching mitts, sparring gloves, Muay Thai Pads, and more to help boost power and protect you from injury.

DMoose Boxing and MMA are comfortable, made of the highest quality material, and keep you safe even during the most intense practice session or boxing match.

For optimal security and reduced risk of damage, we also offer a range of protective fitness gear such as a neck harness and groin, shin, and head guards. If you want to enhance your weight loss benefits, consider a sauna suit to promote fat burning.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How Do I Choose Boxing Gloves?

A. Boxing gloves should feel comfortable on and fit snugly on your hands. More experienced boxers prefer lightweight gloves, but those new to the sport should choose a bigger size for reduced injury risk.

A research study published in the Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology by Paul Perkins, et al explored the use and development of impact damping gloves for safer boxing (1).

Q. What Is Different About Sparring MMA Gloves?

A. Boxing gloves protect your hands so you can punch harder without injury, while MMA gloves allow the fighter more flexible use of their hands during a fight. There is evidence that MMS gloves can produce greater peak force and load rate compared to regular boxing gloves.

A study in Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas by Benjamin Lee and Stuart M McGill compared the kinetic properties of MMA gloves and boxing gloves and found that MMA gloves promoted higher peak force and faster force development (2).

Q. Are Sauna Suits Good For Losing Fat?

A. The research is mixed, with some saying all you lose is water weight. However, there is some research to support the effectiveness of sauna suits in actually burning fat.

A study on young men and women published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research by Aaron R D Matthews, et al found that high-intensity interval exercise wearing a sauna suit increased fat oxidation significantly for about an hour afterwards (3).

Q. Do You Need Shin Guards For Sparring?

A. Shin guards are pretty much essential, especially during sparring, to ensure that you protect the area from potential injury.

A study published in the Journal of Science Medicine by Hee Seong Jeong, et al evaluated the safety of protective equipment like forearm, shin, foot, and head guards for Taekwondo (4).


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Page Sources
  1. Iterative Design of Impact-Damping Gloves for Safer Boxing :
  2. Striking dynamics and kinetic properties of boxing and mma gloves :
  3. Acute Effects of High-Intensity Interval Exercise While Wearing a Sauna Suit on Energy Expenditure and Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption :
  4. Safety Evaluation of Protective Equipment for the Forearm, Shin, Hand and Foot in Taekwondo :

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